Delaying a Pre-Sale is a nightmare!

4 min readMar 4, 2022


As you know the team of EveryNFT is supporting the Cyclops Project on all the technical parts of the launch. They have plenty of experience in launching a NFT project: With Gas optimized contracts, mint pages and a creating a successful drop.

But yesterday, we had to delay our Pre-Sale, unexpectedly and we want to be fully transparent about it. As trust is a general issue in the NFT space!

How did this happen?

A couple of weeks ago, due to the rather complex pre-sale (Mintpass Holders; Special Holders, General WL — all with different allocations and different mint rights & different mint prices) we have decided to switch from Merkle Proof to Signatures. Obviously this means it is not only the correct check of allocations on the back-end but the Frontend UI also needs to run a bunch of checks and make sure that dynamic settings work properly.

To make sure no bots buy into the project, wanted to make sure the mint-function using Etherscan Contract is disabled and you can only mint through the website!

Now, without going too much into detail: As everyone who is done an NFT drop knows, there is plenty of testing capabilities through the Testnets like Ropsten or Rinkeby. However a few small things can not be perfectly tested unless the final contract has been deployed and the frontend is switched from Testnet to Mainnet. Just a couple of hours before we were going to launch we encountered that the Mintpass Holders were not allowed to mint.

Our error message was getting back this response, but this was not supposed to be.

Instead based on this function, the Mintpass Holders can mint up to 10 Cyclops with a reduced price:


  • require: max 10 mint per wallet
  • check balanceOf Mintpass Collection
  • price 0.055

So what did we do?

Solving problems is one of the things you learn very early when you are in the creative sector. Launching a website, launching a campaign or finishing last minute changes before streaming for TV has been part of our job and life for many many years. We are used to react on stress situations and find the correct answers quickly.

In this specific case however, running multiple debugs, we were not directly able to solve it. In the end it’s code: And code sometimes needs time.

Are we the first with problems?

Of course many great projects that have launched last 12 months had technical problems on the launch: Robotos, Gevols, PixelVault, Adidas — all had delays, were instantly sold out through bots, were stopped or postponed.

But being in that same situation does not feel great! So an hour before the launch we posted this on our Discord and received a great, positive responsive from the community:

“Just a heads up: We ran into a small bug, and we will have a slight delay in the launch of the pre-sale for an hour or so. Want to re-run another test and make sure it a smooth process. 24 hours time to mint, so no reason to stress. We will keep you posted. Thanks for understanding.”

Unfortunately even an hour after the originally planned pre-sale start we were not able to launch. So what we did is to crate a voice channel in our Discord, invited anyone in with and talked about it and answered any open questions from the team.

With so many “Scam” projects out there, it is very important for us that the trust advantage we have received from the overwhelming support of the community is not lost.

Wen Pre-Sale, now?

In the moment of writing we have identified the problem. We are currently re-writing a scripts and creating a workaround. With Gas pretty low we want to make sure that we realize the launch today, March 4th, which is 24 hours later.

However: We do not want to make the mistake to announce the launch and still run into problems. Therefore we will take the time to run tests and make sure everything is smooth before we make a final announcement.

This is a first endurance test for the Community and the project. A pretty small one (as this will 100% be solved) but still interesting and important to see reactions of the community.

We are very happy so far to have a very positive and supporting community that trusts in the team and the process. And you can be sure we will not let you down.




Written by Cyclops

We only got 1 eye. 👁 Cyclops Class Reunion

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